Wabamun Area Vision
An amazing next chapter for the Wabamun Area.
Parkland County Council adopted the Wabamun Area Vision in December 2022. The plan will inform the long-term future of the Wabamun Lake region, helping the County make consistent, coordinated decisions about planning and development.
The vision was shaped by the community. The Wabamun Area community brought valuable knowledge and instinct to the process — a lived understanding of the area’s challenges and opportunities. There were several windows for community input throughout the plan’s development.
Stage 1 of engagement took place from April 4 - May 23, 2022
Stage 2 took place from July 3 - 31, 2022
Stage 3 took place throughout October-November 2022
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our events and completed our online surveys.
Photo credit, above and header image: Tobias Mandt.
About the Project
The Wabamun Area Vision is a long-range planning process that will result in two planning documents:
The Wabamun Area Long Range Plan
The Hamlet of Wabamun Area Redevelopment Plan
The Wabamun Area Long Range Plan will provide high level vision and direction for the broader Wabamun Study Area around Wabamun Lake, identifying opportunities for growth, development, and collaboration over the next 30 years.
The Hamlet of Wabamun Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is a land use plan specific to the Hamlet. This plan will provide future land use, transportation, servicing, and public space priorities along with a series of actions to revitalize the area over the next 15 years.
Project Boundary
The project boundary for the Wabamun Area Vision includes the watershed of Wabamun Lake (the land area that feeds the lake and has a direct impact on water quality) as well as the TransAlta mine lands to the north and south of the lake. The Hamlet of Wabamun sits within the overall study area. While the project is taking a broad look at the region, most of the planning work will be focused on the use of land closer to Wabamun Lake.
Vision Statement & Pillars
The project vision describes an aspirational future for the Wabamun Area, helping the region thrive through changing times. The six pillars serve as the guiding values of the Wabamun Area Framing Document and are used to double check that all future policies and actions contribute to the overall vision.
The vision is:
The Wabamun Lake area will leverage its unique natural and industrial assets, enabling its transformation into a thriving regional anchor:
...premised on healthy and well-connected ecologies for all generations.
...energized by diverse, year-round economic drivers and employment.
...with an exciting collection of recreation sites and amenities.
...strategically planned to create a connected rural region.
...sharing its community spirit to attract a wide range of families and lifestyles.
...widely known as a beautiful, unique, and accessible regional destination.
Stage 1 Engagement
Stage 1 engagement was open from April 4 to May 23, 2022. The engagement consisted of an online survey that included an online mapping tool. A paper version of the survey was also available at the County Office. The aim of this first stage of engagement was to introduce the project, gather feedback on the draft vision and pillars, and collect information about issues and opportunities in the area. The feedback was used to refine the vision and pillars and as input into the opportunities analysis for the project.
A total of 411 people completed a survey and 231 comments were collected through our online mapping tool. Most survey participants were either permanent (45%) or seasonal residents (32%) of the Wabamun area. An additional 12% were residents from other areas of Parkland County and 6% were visitors to the area.
Stage 2 Engagement
Stage 2 Engagement was open from July 3-31, 2022. This Stage included both online and in-person engagement, including a survey and online map, two drop in events at Jubilee Hall, two pop-up events, and a virtual session. The intent of the engagement was to gather feedback on three topics:
potential development opportunities and uses within the Wabamun Area
implementation actions for Wabamun Hamlet revitalization
the challenges and opportunities within Waterfront Park
A total of 172 people responded to the online survey, 91 comments were collected on the online map, and 22 people attended the in-person and virtual sessions. The project team talked to over 60 people at the pop-up sessions at the Wabamun Farmer’s Market. The display boards from the sessions are available to view here.
Stage 3 Engagement
Stage 3 engagement was open from October 12 to November 10, 2022. This stage included an online survey, an in-person public session, and a virtual public session. A total of 129 people completed the survey and there were 23 attendees of the public sessions. In this stage of engagement we shared the Wabamun Area Vision document and ask for feedback on key concepts and actions for the Hamlet Area Redevelopment Plan (HARP). Feedback from Stage 3 will inform the completion of the final HARP and its implementation strategy.
The display boards from the sessions are available here.

Photo credit: Darren Kirby